Sunday, April 8, 2012

23 weeks & Happy Easter

Everett is doing great, growing by the day and certainly moving, jumping and kicking a lot...I think even more than Avery at this point. My last doctor's appointment was our anatomy scan about 4 weeks ago, and everything looked great. We were guaranteed (for the 3rd time) that we are 100% having a boy. Jake is pumped and so am I. We have bought everything for his room and in about 6 weeks, when Avery's big girl furniture gets here, we are going to set up the nursery. Everett was measuring right on track in size at this point, which is good news if we want to attempt a VBAC.

This pregnancy is going by 10 times faster than Avery's. It is so hard to believe that we are already at 23 weeks. Everything has been going very smoothly. I started having braxton hicks contractions at about 14 weeks and experience at least 10 or so a day, but the doctor said no need for concern. I do have a low lying anterior placenta, which is being watched closely by the doctors and will probably be checked again in a few weeks.

I have been super active with this pregnancy, teaching 2 classes per week and training 5 clients per week as well. On top of that I try to get to the gym 2 times a week and walk Saki and Avery 1.5 miles 3 times per week. However, even with that....I am gaining weight SO fast. I am already at 20 pounds and I pretty sure I will put another 25-30 on, if the weight comes on as fast as it has in the past few weeks. I'm not overly concerned, but it kind of sucks. I cannot even imagine how big I would be if I was not active, ha ha.

My vice, as with last time, is frozen yogurt. They just opened a place up about 1 mile from the house and needless to say, we have earned a few free yogurts from filling up our punch cards;) But hey, it is better than coldstone-which is what we ate when I was pregnant with Avery.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Baby E Due August 5th

I have not been keeping up with this AT ALL. However, I do want to track this pregnancy as I did with Avery Kae.

Today we had out 12 week appointment and had our nuchal tube screening. The baby's heartbeat was 157 bpm and measured a day behind at 12 weeks even instead of 12w1d. The ultrasound tech guessed that we were having a BOY!!! We are super excited but will not count on this for sure until our next ultrasound. The nuchal tube screening came back with an average of 1.3 and the scale is worrisome at 3, so she said the baby looks really, really good!

So far I have gained 4-5 pounds, mostly because I feel like I need to eat to not feel sick. Speaking of, I have just felt awful the last 7 weeks, everyday I get the cold sweats and either throw up or dry heave, and I have to force myself to eat something because that is the only thing that makes me feel better. I am hoping for a better second trimester. This is sooo different than Avery, with her I could barely even tell I was pregnant!

I have been working out almost every day, either at the gym, teaching classes, or taking Saki on a 2 mile walk. I am hoping to stay active, although through the summer that may prove to be more and more difficult with the extreme heat.

We are so excited and feel so blessed:)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Month 6

Avery had her 6 month appointment on April 20th and she has grown quite a bit! She was 17 pounds and 26 inches tall. She has been enjoying a large variety of fruits and vegetables, from peas to zucchini, plums to mangoes, she will eat almost everything and we are having a blast watch her try things for the first time.

She is getting very strong and is able to pull herself up onto her feet with a little help from us. She has not crawled yet, but continues "swimming"and scooting all around.

Avery has proven to be a a little difficult when it comes to the sleeping and napping department. We have read books, did our research, tried sticking to a schedule from the time she was 3 months old...nothing has worked! She goes to sleep like clockwork every night at 7:30pm and wakes up at least once each night for about an hour or two at a time. We are trying everything to get her back to sleeping through the night, but it has been a little bit of a struggle lately! Any tips would be appreciated.

We cannot believe Avery is already 7 months old. Her little personality is really shining more and more each day and we are having a blast with her. Right now her favorite things to do are sitting by herself, playing with her musical table, she loves jumping in her exersaucer, standing, patting, and playing in the bathtub!

We are looking forward to the summer, with swimming, going on long walks, and spending a lot of time outside enjoying the weather!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Avery Month 5

Avery had a very exciting month! Avery went on her first vacation to New Glarus, Wisconsin where she had her first hotel experience. While we were there, we took her swimming and she seemed fairly indifferent about the experience. She kind of just hung out in the water, but overall it was really fun-especially for her daddy and I!

Avery experienced her first plane ride at the end of March. We took her to Arizona and although she did not enjoy the plane ride out there (she cried for about 75 minutes straight), she had a blast basking in the sunshine and spending some quality time with Tia and Greg. We were there for a total of 6 days and we were very sad to go home.

A big milestone happened when we were in Arizona, she started sitting up by herself. She started for about 15 seconds at a time and can currently sit unassisted for a few minutes at a time. She is also very close to crawling, she "swims" right now, kicking her legs and swinging her arms anytime she is on her belly. She is also rolling around like crazy.

We also noticed that her gums are getting a little white, so we believe her first tooth is on the way. She did have one night where she was in some pain, but aside from that she has been in a great moon nonetheless.

On April 5th, I made her some squash and she LOVED it! The next day...not so much, but we are excited to be starting her on real food. She was ready for the change, milk and cereal where just not cutting it anymore.

We have her next doctors appointment on April 20th, so we are looking forward to seeing how big she has gotten in the past two months.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Avery months 3 &4

Once again, time has slipped away from us! We have been so busy that it is hard to believe that Avery is almost 5 months old. I went back to work in mid-January and Grandma Kathy has taken on the role as Avery's full time babysitter...we are so thankful that she is helping us out and taking such good care of our little lady. Avery went from sleeping through the night to getting up again, and this obviously started the week I went back to work;). Now, she gets up about 2 times per night to eat. She is a hungry little girl, and is growing like a weed!

Avery was baptized on February 14th (her daddy's 27th birthday). We had a beautiful ceremony preceded by a luncheon with our families. Marcus, Tiffany, Greg and Tara were her Godparents and we feel so lucky that she has four amazing sponsors to walk her through her religious upbringing.

At her 4 month appointment, she weighed 13.8 pounds and was 24 inches tall! She is eating 5.5oz at a time and usually eats every 2-3 hours during the day. We were able to start rice cereal on February 19th, her first attempt was so adorable and hilarious. She acted like we were giving her lemon juice, making such sour faces every time the spoon came near her mouth. The whole concept of a spoon was so new to her, but after a few days she finally got the hang of it. She actually tries to take matters into her own hands by grabbing the spoon herself! Right now she is getting 1.5 tablespoons of cereal mixed with about 1oz of milk before bed and first thing in the morning (along with a 5-6oz bottle).

Avery is talking, cooing and laughing up a storm. She is such a happy baby and her smiles are so big, they are almost too cute for words. She rolled over from her tummy to her back at about 14 weeks and ever since then, we can barely keep her on her back! Her core is getting stronger, so the next thing she will be doing is sitting by herself and even crawling. I have a feeling those two milestones are coming sooner than we think! Her first tooth should be breaking through in the next few months as well. It is so amazing how many things happen and how fast babies develop.

We are so blessed to have Avery in our lives and look forward to spending everyday with her:)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Avery's second month

Time certainly has a way of getting away from us these days, with the holidays these past 6 weeks just flew by! Avery is now 10 weeks old and more alert than ever. We got her first real smile on Thanksgiving day and ever since then she has been laughing, cooing, and smiling nonstop. I love watching her wake up and being the first person she sees in the morning, she always greets me with the biggest smile and a huge stretch!

At 5 weeks, Avery rolled over for the first time and has done so a few times since. She is still not a fan of tummy time, but has really developed her neck and core muscles through this unfair form of "torture".

She has also started to enjoy her bumbo, we put her in there around 8 weeks old and she likes to sit with daddy and watch football. Speaking of which, she is mesmerized by the television. We try not to let her "watch", but figure it most offer some sort of visual stimulation, so until she can really get whats going on, we'll let it be for a few minutes here and there, ha ha.

Avery is growing a little more fonder of baths these days, she does not scream too much, until it is time to get dressed, yeah she is definitely not a fan of that.

She is still a very, very intense little eater. As soon as she is hungry, she will let out a blood curdling scream and will not stop until the bottle is in her mouth...and then when you have to take the bottle away to burp her, you would think that she has not eaten in days! At least she is a good eater, so we cannot complain. She is currently eating a little over 3.5 oz every 2-2.5 hours during the day and is an AMAZING sleeper, clocking in an average of about 9 hours of sleep each night. After our holiday festivities, she even slept for 11 hours straight.

Avery had a wonderful Christmas, spending time in both Long Grove and Sussex, she was showered with beautiful clothes, toys and books and we are looking forward to getting some good use out of all of them!

On December 29th, Avery received four vaccines at her two month appointment. It was so hard to see my daughter in so much pain, but she handled them quite well. Her temperature was slightly elevated and she was a little fussier than usual in the days following the vaccines, but aside from that she was a little trooper. She will go back to the doctor at the end of March for her four month check up. Dr Miller said she is still ahead of the curve developmentally and is in the 75th percentile for weight (10lb 15oz) and head circumference and in the 55th percentile for height (22.5 inches).

Each day is a new opportunity to teach Avery about the world and each day Avery teaches us a little bit more about being parents. We are so blessed to have her in our lives and to have such supportive, amazing friends and family. We could not have made it through the first two months without all of you!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Avery's first month

Today, Avery is 4 weeks old. We cannot believe how fast the past month has gone and we are so lucky to have such a beautiful baby girl! Avery has made leaps and bounds in the past month. When we first brought her home, she was screaming from 9pm-6am and had her nights and days confused. fast forward to last night, Avery slept from 10-2am, woke up and ate, went back to bed from 3-6:30am and then ate again and napped throughout the day! We are able to, on most nights, get at least 3 solid hours of sleep at a time-if you have not yet had a baby, you will one day understand how amazing 3 hours of sleep can be!

Avery is a very strong, alert baby. She enjoys being held and rocked, she loves her swing, hates her crib and pac n play, and does not like being changed at all! Her favorite thing in the world in our family room fan...there is a domed light that she enjoys staring at. Any time we need to calm her down, we just tell her to "look at the light" and it works like a charm! Avery does not really like tummy time, however she has been able to turn her head in both directions when lying on her tummy. She can also lift her head and hold it in place for about 15 seconds at a time.

Avery is currently trying to find her thumb to suck on, but in the meanwhile she likes her nuk after she eats and while she is trying to fall asleep. She seems to be very interested in all of the new things around her because she really fights falling asleep. As long as we rock her, dance with her and sing to her, she seems to settle down. We have also started playing a game with her where we stick our tongue out at her and she will stick hers back out at us. If we open our mouth really wide, she will do the same. It is amazing how many things babies can pick up so early on!

At her last appointment, two weeks ago, Avery weighed in at 8lbs 12oz, she goes for her one month check up on Tuesday, November 24th. I am excited to see how much she has grown in this past month!